Frequently Asked Questions
Nope, there are no long term contracts associated with First Choice Tutoring! We offer flexible month to month education plans to every family we work with. The fact that over 90% of our students choose to continue working with us year after year is a fact we're very proud of!!
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Is there a contract?
It's easy! You can either call us at 916-805-7333, or contact us through this website. And we always get back to new families within 8 hours (sometimes even sooner). It's really that easy!
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How do I get a tutor?
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How does tutoring through Skype work?
When a student works with us through Skype, we make it a goal for them to have the same benefits they would have if they work with us in-person. All our tutors are trained to work through Skype and have the necessary equipment to write homework problems on-screen (and the student will see the problem worked out in real time). Many students send the material for the session in advance which allows the tutor to look it over beforehand and constantly refer to it as necessary. For more information, please click on the "Skype" tab above. And make sure you check out the testimonials to see all the wonderful things parents and students have to say about our on-line tutoring!
What's the length of a typical tutoring session?
Our sessions usually range from 60-90 minutes in length. As a general rule of thumb, 60 minute sessions are great for K-8 students, as well as some high school and college students who only need a brief review of the material.
90 minute sessions are great for most high school and college students who are taking either difficult classes or courses that cover a lot of material. Plus they're great for anyone who is interested in either getting caught up or jumping ahead!
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It all depends on the individual student. Some student mangage well with a 60 minute session. It gives enough time to summarize what was learned for the week and answer basic questions. But to the many high school students taking Honors/AP courses, or to anyone who is having trouble with difficult concepts, we have an option for them as well. With a 90 minute session the student will be able to dive deeper into the material, allowing them to find out how concepts come together and get an understanding for how things truly work. The extra 30 minutes goes a long way when it comes to true understanding and acquiring mastery in a subject.
I can't decide between a 60 or 90 minute session. What's the right choice?
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What's SAT / ACT Test Prep?
How does it work?
The SAT and ACT are two exams that are widely used for college admissions here in the United States. And both of these exams have a format that is unlike any test most students have taken in high school. Our Test Prep course exposes students to these exams and teaches the necessary test taking strategies they need to perform at their best! Preparation is the key to success; The more comfortable a student feels with the unique test structure of each of these exams, the more confidently they will approach the questions, thus maximizing their scores. For a more detailed explanation, please visit the "Test Prep" tab above!
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Of course, and it's actually encouraged! We believe in the benefits of having real, meaningful relationships with our students. By having a student repeatedly work with the same tutor, a natural comfort will be created which will lead to a higher quality of learning as well as better grades!
Can I work with the same tutor again?
Yes! And not only is it an option, it's highly recommended! The best way to learn new concepts is to make connections between them and what you already know. During a session, we encourage students to review material for the week, get help with current homework, or jump ahead to new material to get an advantage. There's always something to work on!
Can I review my previous sessions?
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We tutor all the common subjects that every student will take through high school, as well as many college courses relating to specific majors. The courses we specialize in range from Pre-Algebra to Calculus (including Integrated Math), as well as English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. For a more detailed list, please visit the "Tutoring" tab above!
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What subjects can I get help with?
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Will my tutor just give me the answers?
First Choice Tutoring's philosophy is to help students understand the concepts they're covering, so that our students can learn how to solve the problem and reach the answer on their own. First Choice Tutoring is not an answer-giving service!